Welcome to the Pleiades Illustration series! The Pleiades is an asterism found in the constellation Taurus. In mythology, the Pleiades are seven sisters and daughters of the Titan Atlas and Pleione. They were placed into the sky as stars by Zeus to escape Orion’s pursuit of them. This series was meant to highlight each of the sisters and showcase their different personalities and stories in a risograph-esque style.
Maia is the eldest of the sisters and the mother of the god Hermes. She was also the caretaker of the baby Arcas, child of Callisto who was turned into a bear by Hera.
Next in the series is Electra! Her story is said to be connected to the downfall of Troy. It is due to this tragedy that she hides her face in grief and has abandoned her sisters by becoming a comet or a “long haired star”. I designed her hair to reference this description as I wanted to highlight this part of her story.
Taygete, in her life, was a follower of Artemis. In Zeus’ pursuit of her, Taygete invoked Artemis’ aid and was turned into a doe with golden horns. I decided to use these horns and a bow as a reference to her life and transformation.
Alcyone is said to be the second eldest of the sisters. She bore several children for Poseidon, though with a mortal she became the mother of a fisherman turned marine god.
Celeano doesn’t have much information in regards to her story other than being a consort of Poseidon, much like her sister Alcyone.
Similar to Celeano, I had a hard time finding information on Sterope and her myths. She was either the wife of King Oenomaus, or his mother by Ares.
Merope is the youngest of the seven sisters and the dimmest star in the cluster. As the only sister to marry a mortal- Sisyphus- she covers her face in shame.