PA Raptors
Hawk Mountain is a place bursting with the beauty of nature and education for the animals there. I was inspired to create an ongoing series to highlight each and every PA raptor in my style, as well as continue learning about them.
Black Vulture
The main inspiration behind the project! Black Vultures are known for finding food by sight and not smell like the Turkey Vulture does. This design began as a linocut, but quickly became a digital illustration instead to showcase more detail.
American Kestrel
The second illustration created for this series is a male American Kestral surrounded by forget-me-nots. Kestrels are the smallest falcon found in North America!
Northern Harrier
Northern Harriers are the only Harriers found in North America. This female Northern Harrier is paired with some White Wood Aster.
Sharp-Shinned Hawk
Sharp-Shinned Hawks are known for their sharp featherless legs. They are secretive birds, and the juveniles often take migration routes separate from the adults.
Golden Eagle
Golden Eagles are the largest eagles in North America! They are able to take down prey as large as a deer and occasionally eat carrion. This Golden Eagle is existing in a cluster of Philadelphia Fleabane.
Broad-Wing Hawk
Broad-Wing Hawks are the smallest buteo in North America. They migrate long distances in flocks that can reach up to the thousands!
Merlins are about three times the size of Kestrels and are occasionally feasted on by other raptors.