Folktale Week 2023

Folktale Week is an art challenge artists can participate in based on a prompt list. During the 2023 challenge I illustrated all prompts and later went back to revise and rework my three favorites into pieces I really enjoyed.

The idea for these pieces was to look like a paper marionette theater. Each little “theater” showcases a part of a story and symbols within it that felt important.

The Elixer of Life

The Elixer of Life, like the Fountain of Youth, is meant to help the drinker achieve immortality. This illustration was meant to specifically highlight the Japanese myth where the elixer was held by the moon god.

The moon god gave a man the elixer, and while carrying it down to Earth he gets tired. As he takes a rest two serpents bathe in the water and render it useless.

Berenice’s Locks

Coma Berenices is an asterism that refers to the hair of Queen Berenice ll of Egypt. During the Third Syrian War, Berenice vowed to cut off her hair and leave it as offering to Aphrodite if Ptolemy lll returned safely.

The next morning the locks of hair were missing from the temple, as Aphrodite had thrown them into the sky in acknowledgement for her promise.

King Midas

King Midas is known for his golden touch. In one myth the story begins with Dionysus looking for his missing teacher, a satyr named Silenus. The satyr had wandered away drunk and found himself in the care of Midas. As a thanks from Dionysus, he was granted a reward: the ability to turn whatever he touches to gold.

In one version he realizes what a curse this is by accidentally touching his daughter and turning her to gold while trying to comfort her.

Take a look at the original designs:




Noxious Blooms